moved on
i like to communicate with others, it's what i define as being alive ....
I step off the train
ما آزموده ایم درین شهر بخت خویش ............ بیرون کشید باید از این ورطه رخت خویش
از بس که دست می گزم و آه میکشم ............. آتش زدم چو گل به دل لخت لخت خویش
دوشم ز بلبلی چه خوش آمد که می سرود ....... گل گوش پهن کرده ز شاخ درخت خویش
کای دل تو شاد باش که آن یار تند خوی ........ بسیار تند روی نشیند ز بخت خویش
ای حافظ ار مراد میسر شدی مدام ................ جمشید نیز دور نماندی ز تخت خویش
Was it some man that didn't treat you right,
Imagine sitting in the car in pouring rain, the music turned up high and you're chewing on mocha chocolate ... I could sit there for ever ...
She says:
There's this light feeling in you after you've had a good time among people who understand you. Among those who you don't have to make an effort to talk to, and those who like you just the way you are. The people with whom you share a mutual bond ...
"Don't be afraid curses can not follow us across the ocean."
"Here's what I think, here's what I know, at the end of the day, the truth Toby, the truth, is all we have."
So complicated, I'm so frustrated.