Friday, February 10, 2006


I now understand very well the reason you are not supposed to have intimate relationships with your doctor, your boss and the like. It's uncomfortable. I had never thought of it until today. Otherwise put, it had never come up until today.
In these cases, there is a certain safety and trust you need to feel. It has to be away from your emotional ties. Having an intimate relation with the person who somehow has a responsibility towards you can affect the level of protection you need from these people, since both ends tend to confuse emotions with the nature of the intended relationship ... good thing the people before us had thought of that, or may be they learnt the hard way ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This absloutly true. In these situations everything mixes..and really nobody is to be blamed..both sides have their own reasonings..both sides can be decent people..but they can still damage each other..they both think they are correct..but there are cases that it can not be avoided..consider your friend becomes your boss! this is can choose another doctor but you can not choose another boss sometimes..this happens sometimes.

February 11, 2006 12:17 p.m.  

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