Saturday, December 31, 2005

!با فرهنگ

از همه فعالیتهای خیلی فرهنگی که در مدت تعطیلات انجام دادم که بگذریم، دیروز دیگه آخرش بود. من کلا هیچ هنر خاصی ندارم و چیز زیادی از هنر سرم نمی شه. باله، رقص، موسیقی کلاسیک و مدرن ، نقاشی، خطاطی و خلاصه همه و همه رو اگر حس خوبی بهم بدن دوست دارم.
در نقاشی سبکهای کلاسیک تر رو ترجیح می دم و بطور خاص درباره پیکاسو همیشه فکر می کردم آخه، کوبیسم چیه! خوب مثل بچه خوب درست نقاشی کن! با این همه تخصص و درکی که از نقاشی مدرن داشتم، دیروز رفتم نمایشگاه نقاشیهاش رو دیدم. مهمترین چیزی که یاد گرفتم این بود که پیکاسو در 14 سالگی نقاشی کلاسیک رو به خوبی بلد بوده. خوب می شه حدس زد که در مابقی عمر طولانیش حوصله اش سر رفته و چیزهای تازه رو امتحان کرده.
بعد از 5 ساعت توی نمایشگاه نظرم درباره خیلی جنبه های نقاشی عوض شد. البته هنوز هم نقاشی کلاسیک رو به مدرن ترجیح می دم ... من از نقاشی این خانمها خوشم آمد. بعدا فهمیدم این نقاشی رو به اسم نقاشی مرگ نقاشی کلاسیک می شناسن. ظاهرا این نقاشی دیگه خنجر آخر رو زده. اگه خوب دقت کنید می بینید که تاثیر فرهنگهای زیادی در این نقاشی دیده می شه.

نقاشی دیگری که دوست داشتم مربوط به دوره پریشانی زندگی پیکاسو بوده، دوره ای که رنگ آبی زیادی در نقاشیهاش هست. این نقاشی به اسم زندگی تصویری از دوست پیکاسو رو داره که در سنین جوانی در یک جریان عشقی خودکشی می کنه . این مساله نقاشیهای پیکاسو رو در این دوره تحت تاثیر قرار می ده!

خوب بسه دیگه من برم دیر می شه

سال نو مبارک


Give me a man who is man enough to give himself just to the woman who deserves him.
- Francesca

Friday, December 30, 2005


I am writing this here for a dear friend and for who ever else feels they need to hear it. Honey, you can never do anything wrong in love if you are true to yourself.

Thursday, December 29, 2005


Two days to go! Wow, it'll be 2006, so what happened to 2005? And what about ...? This is fast, too fast if I may say ... thank God for these milestones that remind you of your life passing by. At least you're alert for a while ...

I ordered another 300 photos for print, with the ones from last month that's over 700! Do I really have so much to remember? So many memories? So many people? Of course I only printed some of the photos and we only sometimes take photos and ... you get the idea!

lives of the saints

"Don't be afraid curses can not follow us across the ocean."
- Cristina Innocente

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


In spite of all the rain, rain, rain forecast, we had a wonderful spring evening today. I went out on the trail again ... still not back on my summer peak - I guess I must have gained weight - but I did quite well and my body feels happy ...


یکی بود یکی نبود. یه من بود که سینما نمی رفت، یه من بود که اصلا سینما دوست نداشت.
یکی هست یکی نیست. یه من هست که سینما می ره، یه من هست که سینما دوست داره. حالا نه مثل بعضیها که همه چیز و همه جور فیلمی رو می بینن ولی خوب ... مثل خیلی چیزای دیگه این عادتم هم عوض شده

the truth

"Here's what I think, here's what I know, at the end of the day, the truth Toby, the truth, is all we have."
- Cane

the third man

She walked through the leaves and past him. She didn't look, didn't even turn her head, didn't even blink ...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


So complicated, I'm so frustrated.
I wanna hold you close, I wanna push you away,
I wanna make you go, I wanna make you stay.
Should I say it.
Should I tell you how I feel.
Oh, I want you to know.
But then again I don't, It's so complicated.

- Dawn Johnson Carolyn

Monday, December 26, 2005


I picked up a friend from the store around noon and decided to do my share of boxing day shopping afterwards. From my experience I didn't expect anything amazing, so I decided to walk around, browse at a few stores I like and enjoy watching people as they shop.
For one thing I should say the rumor that there was gold to be dug had some people in a panic. From the lady that couldn't be seen behind the clothes she wanted to try on and the people who waited hours to get into a store, to those who just ran through the mall from shop to shop, there was a sense of thirst. Every once in a while you could find someone who had lost patience, and there were many who wanted to walk right through you as if you were a ghost.
I only shopped at one store and as I waited in line I came to notice the little boy with blue eyes staring at me. He was a few months old. I smiled at him and started talking ... much better response than any of the other people in the store I should say. I tilted my head to one side and he did so too. We soon learnt how to play that game together. It was a lot of fun and it kept me occupied ...
Overall I spent about 2 hours at the mall and I did get quite a bargain on the clothes I bought. Yet, the best part was the beautiful rainbow I saw driving back home ...

Sunday, December 25, 2005


The doctors told him he had 27 years to live, he died at 25 in a car crash ...

احمدی نژاد

در ايامی که کشور مصر تحت تسلط انگلستان بود يک تاجر انگليسی هر ماه کالای خود را بار شتر می کرد و از حاشيه رود نيل می گذشت و خودش رو به قاهره می رسوند. در قاهره کالاهايش را که اکثرا اسباب بازی و گوشواره و دستبند و گردن بند های بدلی بودند می فروخت. با پول آنها اشيای تاريخی و زير خاکی های مصر را که بسيار ارزش داشت می خريد و در انگلستان به بهای بسيار گزافی می فروخت.
روزی که مطابق هميشه در حال طی مسير بود متوجه شد که ساربان مصری عصبانی است و با صدای بلند سخنانی به زبان می آورد.
از مترجم پرسيد: ساربان چه می گويد؟ مترجم از پاسخ دادن طفره رفت!
تاجر دوباره اصرار کرد و مترجم به ناچار گفت: صاحب ساربان به شما دشنام می دهد!
مترجم انتظار داشت که تاجر عصبانی شود و ساربان را تنبيه نمايد. اما در چهره تاجر تغييری ايجاد نشد!
دوباره تاجر پرسيد: چه دشنامی می دهد؟
دشنامهای بد. او به شما دشنامهای بسيار زشتی می دهد و می گويد به کشور ما آمده ايد تا ما را غارت کنيد! باز هم تاجر عکس العملی نشان نداد!
دوباره تاجر پرسيد: آيا اين دشنامها مانع رسيدن ما به قاهره می شود يا نه؟
مترجم گفت نه صاحب! او فقط دشنام می دهد و کار ديگری انجام نمی دهد. می خواهيد به او بگويم ساکت شود؟
تاجر گفت: نه بگذار دشنام بدهد و با دشنام سبک بشود! فقط يادت باشد اين بار که به مصر آمدم همين ساربان را استخدام کنی، او خطرناک نيست

Saturday, December 24, 2005

twelve days

Although a religious holiday, we tag along for the joy of Christmas. One of the popular things in this season is carolling and one of the best known Christmas carols is the twelve days of Christmas, it comes to:

On the twelfth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Twelve drummers drumming,
Eleven pipers piping,
Ten lords a-leaping,
Nine ladies dancing,
Eight maids a-milking,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree!

It might be interesting for you to know the religious symbolism of The Twelve Days of Christmas are:
  1. True Love refers to God
  2. Two Turtle Doves refers to the Old and New Testaments
  3. Three French Hens refers to Faith, Hope and Charity, the Theological Virtues
  4. Four Calling Birds refers to the Four Gospels and/or the Four Evangelists
  5. Five Golden Rings refers to the first Five Books of the Old Testament, the "Pentateuch", which gives the history of man's fall from grace.
  6. Six Geese A-laying refers to the six days of creation
  7. Seven Swans A-swimming refers to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments
  8. Eight Maids A-milking refers to the eight beatitudes
  9. Nine Ladies Dancing refers to the nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit
  10. Ten Lords A-leaping refers to the ten commandments
  11. Eleven Pipers Piping refers to the eleven faithful apostles
  12. Twelve Drummers Drumming refers to the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostle's Creed
HaPpY Christmas!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

خبر خبر

پرزیدنت خاتمی قراره وبلاگ بنویسه، این دیگه خیلی خبره

!اینهم خواجه حافظ

دیشب از حافظ پرسیدم: امسال برای من چطور خواهد بود؟ گفت:

من ترک عشق و شاهد و ساغر نمی کنم
صد بار توبه کردم و دیگر نمی کنم
باغ بهشت و سایه طوبی و قصر حور
با خاک کوی دوست برابر نمی کنم
هرگز نمی شود ز سر خود خبر مرا
تا در میان میکده سر بر نمی کنم
شیخم بطیره گفت برو ترک عشق کنم
محتاج جنگ نیست برادر نمی کنم
ناصح بطنز گفت حرامست می مخور
گفتم بچشم و گوش بهر خر نمی کنم
این تقویَم تمام که با شاهدان شهر
ناز و کرشمه در سر منبر نمی کنم
حافظ جناب پیر مغان جای دولتست
من ترک خاکبوسی این در نمی کنم
گفتم: به به! حالا چکار کنم با این طالع؟ گفت:

زلف بر باد مده تا ندهی بر بادم
ناز بنیاد منه تا نکنی بنیادم
رخ برافروز که فارغ کنی از برگ گلم
قد برافراز که از سرو کنی آزادم
شهره شهر مشو تا ننهم سر در کوه
شور شیرین منما تا نکنی فرهادم
می مخور با دگران تا نخورم خون جگر
سرمکش تا نکشد سر به فلک فریادم
زلف را حلقه مکن تا نکنی در بندم
چهره را آب مده تا ندهی بر بادم
یار بیگانه مشو تا نبری از خویشم
دست گیرم که ز هجر تو ز پا افتادم
چون فلک سیر مکن تا نکشی حافظ را
رام شو تا بدهد طالع فرخ دادم
شمع هر جمع مشو ورنه بسوزی مارا
یاد هر قوم مکن تا نروی از یادم
بله، به چشم

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


یه بهانه دیگه، یه شب دیگه که دور هم باشیم، بگیم و بخندیم. به این فکر کنیم که شب هرقدر سرد و تاریک و طولانی، همدیگر رو داریم و هیچ چیزی نیست که نگرانش باشیم ... یلدا وقت اینه که دوست داشتنهامون و با هم بودنهامون رو تجدید کنیم ... خوش بگذره به همه، منتظر طلوع خورشید فردا هستیم

my best present

Last night I found a friend ... I brought him home ... now we can spend hours together ... thinking about day, about night, about the big picture, about the little details ... I like the way he looks at me and listens ... and although you can't see his eyes, they are kind and thoughtful ... I sound like the little girl who got a Barbie doll for Christmas, but it's ok I am so happy anyway, thank you Santa ... now should I wrap a bow around him and leave him under the tree?

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

what next?

The only thing in the world I never thought would come with an aromatic aura was hair color. So there you have it! I found that my multi-faceted shimmering colour (I think they will soon run out of space on the box and they'll probably attach a piece of paper with the name or even better use acronyms) now has a pack of fragrance that I should mix with the gel!


If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it!
- Jonathan Winters

hazel eyes

I don't usually buy makeup from stores, at least most of it I have delivered from Yves Rocher. But this time I walked into the store and picked up an eye makeup set for hazel eyes:

Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

I like the colors in the set, and I like the music ...

Monday, December 19, 2005


I watched Memoirs of a Geisha tonight ... water flows from place to place quickly and always finds a crack to spill through ... my zodiac element is water ... water can put out fire and run through earth ... but I already knew that ... no strong performances and no great production work, yet the colors are so enchanting that they leave you with a smile ... reminded me of Gabbe ...

Movie mom's review says: Geishas are not prostitutes - the word means artist. The most successful geisha's command huge sums for their ability to entertain and to charm. Their appeal in part is in what they do not reveal, what they hold back. While they are not chaste - they begin their careers by having their virginity auctioned off to the highest bidder - they are not afterward expected to provide sexual favors. It is this idea of being elusive but not unobtainable (or at least not unobtained) that is a part of their attraction and their power.

It requires strong people to differentiate, and it requires developed souls to endure the strength, the charm ...

my day

My tree now has a star, and I just spent a day like Christmas, family and friends. We had such a great time ... and now I just noticed that my paper was accepted to WCNC, Los Vegas here I come ...

Saturday, December 17, 2005


I was driving back home after a night out with all the lights and dazzles of Christmas. I had spent the day shopping, lunch with some friends and the night out. I was happy, but not fully satisfied. I was searching me looking for answers and ... I saw an old lady walking along the pavement minding her own business. It was late and cold, well at least that's what other people think, I am kind of cold-proof. I passed her by and then suddenly pulled to the curb and waited for her to get to the car.

- Excuse me, do you need a ride?
- To Hastings, that would be good.

She got in.

- It's cool.
- Yes

I answered thinking she must have meant freezing. Feeling the satisfaction sink, I was suddenly so calm. I turned up the heat in the car and waited for her to fasten the seat belt with her wrinkled hands, they were beautiful. I would have waited a hundred hours if I hadn't felt she was having a hard time. I gave her a hand and off we went.

- Ready for Christmas?
- Yes, I have my lights and Christmas tree up and I will be hosting friends this week. How about you?

And then I felt stupid for asking that question. She was carrying a plastic bag of empty containers, what a hard time Christmas must be. She nodded.

- I still have some wrapping to do.

... I pulled to the side and she got out.

- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas and take care, be safe ....

I can't remember the rest, it's a blur ... a wide smile spread on my face. I felt the chill in my body and then the joy, the bliss. Finally, what I needed for the holidays ...

It reminded me of an episode of Friends where Joey was trying to prove to Pheobe that even acts of kindness are triggered by selfishness. Maybe he was right, but why would I care, it did us both good ...

Friday, December 16, 2005

in the sky

Today marks the anniversary of something that changed the lives of all the people who came after it. On December 16th 1910, the first thermojet powered aircraft was flown. Now that is a day to remember, at least for people like us who fly half way around the world in less than a day ...
I guess that would have sounded like science fiction to the people who lived in that era. You can read a short history about Henri Coanda who designed and flew the aircraft here. Make note, he visited Isfahan and Tehran back in the day ...
I guess these days have always been good for flying. It was December 17th 1903 that the Wright brothers flew the worlds first true airplane ... so maybe Chrismas is the right time to take a plane and go far from where you started off ...

Thursday, December 15, 2005


Now that you asked, this is kind of how I feel, twisted and stretched ....

YMCA, Los Angeles, CA

the man

I have always looked up to Dr Phil, he's a one of a kind. Whatever he does there's the special Dr Phil caring touch to it. While all the shows are busy hosting singers and actors, he had a Christmas party for those affected by the hurricane. The smiles on the faces of those children and the tears in their parents eyes ... his thoughtfulness ... I admire him, I truly do ...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I remember a friend once asked me if I was comfortable writing about my feelings in my blog knowing that many who know me in person read it. I told him I waited long to make sure the readers or their judgment is not what I think of when I am writing ...
I remembered that because I was just going to say I don't know why, but I can't keep my tears back. Nothing has happened, at least nothing that important. Maybe I have the holiday blues even before the holidays start ... there has been a lot going on lately, maybe I'm exhausted, but ... or maybe there hasn't been enough sunshine in the past few days, but it's sunny today ... is it the music? ... what else can it be?

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I started to think about it more seriously since Sara told me she'd realized caffeine affects her skin drastically. I couldn't help thinking about my caffeine intake each and every time I poured myself a cup of tea or coffee ... How much is enough? Am I drugging myself?
Today I dug up a few articles on the internet, at least now I have a better idea of what I'm doing ...


Don't tell me I didn't warn you and don't tell me I couldn't have known ... I'm just saying ... and what make's you think you'll miss something you never even had?


Did you know that Ford is the biggest spender when it comes to R&D? According to Standard and Poor's, they spent $7,400 million US in 2004! On the top ten list were:
  1. Ford Motor Co., US
  2. Daimlerchrysler AG, Germany
  3. Toyota Motor Corp., Japan
  4. Pfizer Inc., US
  5. General Motors Corp., US
  6. Siemens AG, Germany
  7. Microsoft Corp., US
  8. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Japan
  9. Glaxosmithkline PLC, UK
  10. Johnson & Johnson, US
Another part of the report that was interesting was the percentage of money spent on R&D compared to sales. With this figure, Nortel Networks Corp. in Canada with 20.3% was first. Nortel was 52nd in the most spenders list. However, Amgen Inc. spent the most per employee, $141, 000 and appeared 49th on the most spenders list. May be that's something to keep an eye on when you are looking for not-boring work!

*I took the data from the table published in the recent IEEE spectrum and I didn't read the article so no liability ...

Monday, December 12, 2005

piled higher and deeper

With all my love for this website, it's sometimes what gets me through the day ... The recent IEEE potentials published this ...

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Walk the Line

Music has this thing that I have no words for ... I had heard and loved this before ...

I keep a close watch on this heart of mine,
I keep my eyes wide open all the time,
I keep the ends out for the tie that binds,
because you're mine, I walk the line

and the song by June Carter (Johnny Cash's late wife) times are wastin'.
I was almost dancing when I walked out of the theater. As I was expressing my feelings about the movie in Farsi to my friend, the old man in front of us turned and smiled. From the look in his eyes, he probably knew what I was talking about ...

Saturday, December 10, 2005


"When one door of happiness closes another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us."
- Helen Keller

Thursday, December 08, 2005


People become so incomprehensible when they are disconnected with the society they live in, when they live deserted form home, in a small community they don't share mutual understanding with. Not that I don't know why. But some people have the tendency to take difficult times different than others. They end up with unusual experiences and although they may seem quite ordinary, it's not always quite so ...


One day to go! I'll get the lights and the tree out and it'll be time to party again ... the child in me is so alive ...

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

من و تو

نشود فاش کسی آنچه میان من و توست
تا اشارات نظر نامه رسان من و توست
گوش کن با لب خاموش سخنی گویم
پاسخم گو به نگاهی که زبان من و توست
روزگاری شد و کس مرد ره عشق ندید
حالیا چشم جهانی نگران من و توست
شکیلا - به نقل از پدرام شعر از سایه

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

nothing to loose

If you can go and see someone don't call, if you can call someone don't send an email, if you can email someone don't forget how much it matters to keep in touch with those who are important to you ...

شاید وقتی دیگر

کلی دلم عروسی خواسته بود ... حالا با این اوصاف شاید نرم

Monday, December 05, 2005


He never resists to give me a comment about my smile. No matter where or when we talk, although we don't that often. It's usually just Hi and Goodbye. We have worked in the same lab for a few years now, seen each other on easy and difficult days and given one another a pat on the back when needed.
He'll be defending on Friday and then soon after he'll be gone ... I told him today that I can't make it to his defence session. He said: "I'll miss you" and then he went on "You know I'll miss you a lot. You're the most cheerful person I have ever known. You make me smile and that is very rare. There is only one other person in the world who does that, my two year old son."
He had told me before that when I laugh in the lab it is so joyful that everyone smiles, others nodded and I took it as if they all agreed. But I never knew it was so important to him. This last comment of his made my day. It's great to know you can make a difference, that you can make someone happier. I told him that I will try to come by to cheer him up before his defence, I can probably say Hi to his wife and kids too ...

Sunday, December 04, 2005


یه کم قبل با بچه ها حرف این بود که چقدر خوبه که بعضی حرفا*، بعضی فکرها داره راهش کم کم تو ایران باز می شه. برای کسانی مثل من که مدتی هست از ایران اومدن بیرون و دیگه هم معلوم نیست کی برگردن، شاید تصور مقدار تلاشی که واسه این برنامه ها لازم هست ممکن نباشه ... باید بگم، دمشون گرم، دستشون توانا

یه چندتا از وبلاگهایی که درباره برنامه روز جهانی ایدز مطلبی دارن *
انجمن بدون مرز
زنانه ها

Saturday, December 03, 2005

a walk

There was no way I could go jogging today so I went for a walk with my camera ...

So beautiful ....

So happy ....


Network protocols with no acknowledgment were developed for real time data in wireless links, and I think the use of them should be limited to that. I can't tell if the message is getting through or not, may be people should learn to use acknowledgements, or at least negative acknowledgments ...

Friday, December 02, 2005


ای قوم به حج رفته کجایید؟ کجایید؟
معشوق همینجاست بیایید، بیابید


There's that feeling, new snow under your shoes, you look up and the snowflakes fall from a tiny hole in the sky ... you lie down on the snow and make an angle ... there is nothing like it ...

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I have been struggling to spell failure for a few minutes now. I didn't want to look it up on the web so I thought I'd try all the possible spellings and see which one looks right. I admit I went through quite a few and couldn't really make up my mind ... so now I can say I can't even spell failure!