Thursday, August 11, 2005


There was a day, some time ago, that I suddenly realized many things had changed around me. My parents didn't have control over each and every thing like when I was a kid. There were times that they were as frustrated as I was, and there was nothing either of us could do. Discovering this fact turned my life around. It made me come face to face with reality, and step out of the fairy tale I was living. It was bitter, but it was the truth.
At that time I was talking to a friend, telling him how it had hurt me deep inside to come to a point that no one could really support me .... he said: " ... there's that time when you realize you are alone, living life as a single soul and no one, no one is behind you. Maybe they never were ... "
I am not quite sure that I agree with him about the loneliness. But there is one thing I know for sure. At the end of the day, you're left with yourself to sort out your life, no matter how close someone else is to you, and no matter how many people you share love with ....
This reminded me of some of these thoughts ....


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