Saturday, August 06, 2005


I danced for a few hours, only stopping to catch breath, and then I stepped outside. It was cool, just like you would want it to be on a Summer night. I sat on the swing chair and glazed at the sky. The stars were glittering and as the night grew old, they got brighter.
I felt I could fly. I closed my eyes. Ah! the silence I had been looking for in the past few weeks. It was then that I remembered how sleepy and tired I should be. I couldn't feel that though.
Thinking past all the silly things I heard, I came back to the thought that an element had been missing in my dance. My sandals were ok. I had just used them an excuse.
It occurred to me that only my body had been dancing. That's why the movements were not complete. That's why I didn't enjoy it as much as I should have. As soon as I had stepped out, my soul had found its way back. I was enjoying an emotional satisfaction which I can not frame in words.
I opened my eyes only to start thinking that I should be going home. So why wasn't I? I was waiting for guitar time. It was part of the reason I had made the effort to go. The strings, they ... I really like guitar time ....


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