Tuesday, August 30, 2005


It kind of gives me the feeling that when people loose touch with their human side, all there is left to sex is the physical activity. Probably satisfying for a short period of time, but I guess it leaves you with holes in your soul, whether you're the prostitute or the client as they call it.
There has been an on going dispute about legalizing prostitution in Canada and I have been following it from a distance. I still haven't formed an opinion on whether or not I support it. With all the unnerving realities, the upside to it may be that better protection will be provided to these people, and fewer of them will end up missing forever.
Recently, I read Eleven Minutes. It gave me a little insight in to the state of mind such a person may have, but came to the same conclusions I believe in. I watched Dr Phil talk to a prostitute on his program. She told her story. That she had been repeatedly raped as a child and had stepped into the business at the age of 12. That she was numb and no longer had any feeling for sex, just the physical activity, just a way of getting easy(?!) money, which I guess is the trap for many.
It's a wide spread problem here in Vancouver. Especially with all the tourism and drugs. I guess you can say the same for most big cities. And back home, it's just denial ...
I know it's a history long profession (if I may say so); and probably with the busy, pressured, lives that we are living, no solution is in sight any time soon. But maybe no one is even looking. Maybe no one even cares about how some people are forced to put a price on intimacy ...


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