Sunday, June 19, 2005


Henry Morgentaler is the face behind legalization of abortion in Canada. A few days ago he was awarded an honorary doctorate of Laws from the university of Western Ontario for his work.
There has been a lot of dispute surrounding this subject both in Canada and around the world. Religious extremists are among the many groups campaigning against abortion. Then again, the religious (read:extremists) are against pregnancy prevention and ....
What are these people implying? To me it's simple. They are forcing misery into the lives of two people: the mother and the child. And who benefits, I don't understand!
No one can argue that a mother does not love her child, well at least not in most cases. It's just that something about the timing or the situation is not right. If a mother decides - supposing she has gone through the counseling and whatever else is required to make sure it's not depression leading to the decision - that she does not want to have a baby, it's her call. If some one else is overly concerned about the life of the unborn, they can find a way to take care of the child; but not at the mother's time and expense.
Besides all that, what's the point in bringing an unwanted person into the world? There are already too many children in foster homes and God knows what they go through and how they are treated.
I believe in the gift of life and I am very thankful for having the chance to live, yet, I believe no good is achieved by forcefully granting this gift to an unwelcome child.


Blogger Pedram said...

once we were discussing in a friendly group about abortion. A lady said that you men cannot be a good judge about these issues. You should be a woman to feel the difficulties,etc. This should be left for women to decide, between their own wisdom, judgement, and conscience. I think somehow she was right,what do you think?

June 19, 2005 8:25 p.m.  
Blogger dokhtare aftab said...

i think women would understand the issue better, however i am not a mother myself so i can't really judge if a person's view changes ...

June 19, 2005 11:53 p.m.  

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