Thursday, April 14, 2005

to be a lady

On the weekend, chatting with a group of friends, we somehow ended up talking about the time when the menus handed out to men and women in restaurants were different. Ladies' menus didn't have prices on them or at least the lady would have to ask if she wanted a menu with prices. Every once in a while you can still find one of those places, but it's rather outdated. Of course, I am a little more concerned about the general change in attitude than actually having dollar signs and numbers sitting on my menu.
I though about the whole concept a little more, there are a lot of other examples and I am not really sure I am very pleased about all of what is politically known as being a modern woman.
It seems I am not the only one. I don't know why people would think it opposes the modern lifestyle to be a lady. Or may be all of us are just confused with the rapid changes. May be we all still do want the same thing. Sometimes I feel society hasn't yet established a proper understanding of a career woman and where on the path between the traditional stay at home mom and a man she stands ....


Blogger Pedram said...

I think all of us are confused too. We say something, we do something else.

April 14, 2005 7:10 p.m.  

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